Thursday, August 14, 2008

Second floor... fiction, magazines and so much more

If you've driven past the construction site in the last few days, you might have noticed lots of people working on the new addition's second story. (a bit of library humor there) The reinforcements for the floor have been put in, and the slab has been poured. They are also beginning to do some prep work for the roof.
Framing in the old part of the first floor is moving along quite rapidly. They have framed out the staff offices on that floor, as well as working on the four new study rooms that will be available to students. It is also easy to see now where the coffee shop will be, and where the new Friends of the Library will be located.

Having learned our lesson in this temp location (ask us someday about "Fire Walking") we are making sure that the fire alarm system will be installed properly, and to that end, the sprinkler piping is being shop fabricated. The HVAC work is continuing, with the old duct work being removed and the new duct work installed.

All of the major steel work is finished, but some of the miscellaneous perimeter steel work still needs to be done, and they should start that next week.

Lisa & I have been to the job site several times now to take pictures for this blog, and every time we go there it is absolutely thrilling for us to see how dedicated and committed our construction people are to creating a quality building. Last time we were there, I could really see where everything will go. The shaft of sunlight beaming down on the spot where Kelly will hold her wonderful story times. I could hear the hiss of the espresso machine making that 20 oz triple non-fat latte (hot, no flavor) to give me a boost in the afternoon. The cozy nook on the second floor that will be a perfect place to curl up and spend the afternoon reading your favorite classic (or edgy thriller, or hot romance, or whatever else catches your fancy). We really hope that when this building is finished, there will be something for all Richland residents to find and enjoy.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

All I can is "Wow"! The library is really taking shape. The photos are outstanding!

Construction Zone Counts


Richland, Washington, United States