Friday, September 26, 2008

They really are working fast!

If you have driven past the site lately, you might have noticed that some of the precast panels have been put in place. Work is also continuing on the roof, more framing of the interior, and all sorts of other things that can't be seen by just driving by, but rest assured, our crew is working really hard to finish up. Some of you are getting a bit antsy, and wondering why things are taking so long. Let me tell you, this crew is actually getting things done in record time. Since we are doing both a remodel and an expansion, the process is actually longer than if we had started completely from scratch on a new site. But our crew is determined to finish this thing on time and on budget, and we thank them greatly for their efforts!
September marks the ninth month that we have been in our temporary location, and the staff of the Richland Public Library would like to extend a huge thank you to all of our customers who have put up with plumbing problems, Internet hiccups, and assorted cranky behaviors from the staff. Take comfort in knowing that this time next year we will (hopefully) be back home in a great new space. Personally, I can't wait to spend my lunch hour curled up in the browsing area by the fire, sipping on that triple skinny hot latte, reading the latest Stabenow or Reichs novel. and watching the leaves turn gold and red from my perch up high in the tree tops.
Keep thinking good thoughts, and stop by and see us in our temporary
location (1270 Lee Blvd)                     THERESA

Friday, September 19, 2008

If you feed, them they will work faster!

The library staff has been working under the premise that we can bribe the construction crew into speeding things along by feeding them.  Each week, we send cookies or some other tasty treat with our manager when she goes to the weekly construction team meeting.  Last week we decided to spice things up a bit and go "hog" wild - literally!  We cooked up a huge batch of pulled pork, sloppy joes and assorted side dishes and desserts.  The staff joined the construction crew for lunch on Friday and got to chat with the people who are building your library. After lunch, library staff donned hard hats and had a tour of what is happening on site.   This was extremely fun for us and hopefully this will keep the fantastic crew going at their continued great pace for a little longer!

This week, they have been busy roofing the high areas, then they will move on to the lower areas and after that, onto the new area.  Inside, the low voltage has been roughed in and outside, you may have noticed bulldozers and dump trucks clearing off the old asphalt and some of the landscaping that will be replaced with a brand new parking lot and low maintenance, low water landscaping.
Other work happening this week inludes:  stairs, handrails and other steel, framing for the monitors, the store front glass has been ordered, and when I came back to work last night, I was so excited to see the crane lifting the pre-cast panels into place on the Swift side of the building.
- - Lisa

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Still moving forward...

Have you driven by the library site lately? Perhaps you've noticed the roof being placed on the second story? Or the work on the grounds? Things are moving along very nicely, and we are still on target for a move back date of sometime next summer. Bid packages for the coffee vendor, furniture, and signage are chugging along, and next month the staff moving committee will begin to meet so that we can plan the move back home. This move should be much easier, since we will (I believe) only be moving back our material, not the furniture or computers.

While we are in this temporary space, staff is experimenting with a few ideas. We have started to create a biography section, rather than interfile the biographies with the non-fiction. We are looking at new ways to store our DVDs, and working on new databases to acquire for our patrons. We are looking at this building as a sort of testing ground, where we can try out some of the ideas we have been wanting to try. So if you are in the building, and you notice something new or unusual, just let us know what you think about it. We are always looking for ways to better serve our members.
Remember, we are also attempting to keep up our programing while in this building. Our stellar Children's Department, led by the lovely Miss Kelly, has something for everyone to enjoy. Visits from Clifford the Big Red Dog, a celebration of the Diwali festival, and you can always come by and spend some time reading to Gunner or Phoebe in our Therapy Dog Reading Program. Just stop by the Children's Desk or check out the library newsletter.


Construction Zone Counts


Richland, Washington, United States