Work continues to progress on the building. In the old part of the building they have erected temporary tenting, and have begun to get some heat over there so the drywall taping can begin. The elevator #1 is finished, and elevator #2 is almost there. We will have two elevators in this building. The main one will be out on the floor for our patrons to get to the second story, and the other one is back in the staff area for book carts and supplies to be moved from one floor to another. This will ensure that patrons don't get their feet run over by a shelver moving books up to the second floor. Not that I've ever done that in a different library in oh say Lafayette LA. Nope, not me!
In the new part of the building, the metal roofing is underway. Framing is about 90% complete and the exterior sheathing is being completed.

Outside, the curb and gutter work is scheduled to be completed this week. Topsoil is also being added to the planter areas. The goal was to get paving started tomorrow (Friday), however, due to the snow on the ground, we will just have to wait and see on that one.
The big news (to us) is that the windows on the Swift side of the building are beginning to be installed. They are magnificent, and we can't wait to see what the interior will look like in the spring, with those big beautiful windows flooding the place with light.

Over here in the temp spot, we will be open for most of the holidays. We will close at 5:00 pm on December 23rd, and be closed all day on the 24th and 25th. The following week, we will close at 5:00 pm on December 31st, and be closed all day on January 1st.
Wishing all our patrons a safe holiday time.

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