The new stair tower is in the foreground, with an elevator shaft in the background.
Yippee -- two updates in one week. According to those in the know, the elevator walls are complete and are being coated with a moisture barrier for the below ground portion.The below grade footings are complete (136 yards of concrete) and will be followed by the pile cap and beam footings, which will show from the street.
The next big project will be the stair tower.
What that means is soon we will be able to see concrete (no pun intended) progress on your new library! Staff is very excited about this - while we appreciate the temporary spot greatly, we are all looking forward to being in the new library within a year (we hope!).
On non- building news, remember to save the date of June 4, 2008. That is when sign ups for our Summer Reading Program begin! Please check in at the Children's' desk to get the scoop. And, as always, many thanks to our great patrons for being so supportive and understanding! Richland Library patrons are the bestest of the best!

Deliveries of Steel Beams

Cool perspective of the elevator shaft, and more grade beams being poured
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