Well, things are progressing on the building. According to our secret sources, the first lift for the stairs has been poured and the second (and final) pouring will be done next week. They are back filling the slab grade – aka making the ground level again. The plumbing is beginning to branch out from the main lines to go throughout the building (and TRUST ME... we are making SURE the plumbing will be able to handle EVERYTHING that comes it's way! We are all experts on plumbing after five months in our temporary location). The conduit for data is being laid. (So hopefully our new computers will be blazing fast) Some new steel around the elevator and stairs has been installed so the shoring will be coming down. Next time you are driving by the building, see if you can spot the changes in the location.
On the home front, we are all busy obsessing about how many shelves we need in which locations, and how high the bookshelves need to be. Our Circulation Supervisor (and master of all things move related) has counted EACH and EVERY shelf in the ENTIRE LIBRARY. TWICE. Sometimes THREE times. And no, you don't have to be overly analytical to work in a library, but it does help.

Remember, our summer reading program starts on June 4th. This year, we are celebrating the
50th anniversary of the City of Richland. Look for some really cool events this summer related to that. Our Teen program is also alive and well. Check at any of the service desks for info about the gaming afternoons we will be hosting.
And lastly, if you have a chance to walk by the building site, and see one of the many hard workers that are so diligently building your new library, give them a friendly wave, and tell them how much we all appreciate their excellent work!

Photos from top to bottom:
- One of the stair lifts being poured
- Steel beams on the interior
- Grade Beams being poured
- More Grade Beams
- A very big crane!