Well, things are moving right along on the construction front! They've got everything down to pretty much the bare bones now -- it's just a matter of building things up again and adding on! Great thanks to all the people who are hard at work to make the Richland Public Library as great on the outside as it is on the inside!
The lobby case in the entrance -- don't worry we'll still have display space!
Debris on the roof! How did they get that up there?

The North East Courtyard -- it looks more like a parking garage!
The North West Courtyard

The South Wall of the building.
Thank you for letting the community see what is happening on the inside!
This is better than a web cam since you get to see all the different area's of work being done. It's nice to also have the comments with the photos for those of us who are unsure what we are looking at. Thank you for doing this and keep up the good work.
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