We have carpet in the second floor and recycled flooring in the staff areas on the first floor! We are all very excited about that, because that means we could have shelving installation on the second floor very soon. The carpet is actually (to my surprise) very nice. When we first saw the carpet squares, neither Lisa or I were terribly excited -- it looked to us like a bad flashback to the 1970's. But when it is all laid out in the basket weave style they decided on, it looks very nice. A HUGE thanks to the two guys (and a daughter) who spent the weekend arranging and gluing the squares down. They did a magnificent job!
The flooring in the staff areas downstairs is very cool looking. It is made from recycled tires and tennis shoes, and is very environmentally friendly. The area smells a bit like Les Schwab right now, but that should dissipate in a week or so. Upstairs where the carpet is, I can't smell any glue at all. Everything we are using is designed to be very good for the environment, and to minimize the impact on patrons with sensitivity problems. I'm not saying it will be perfect for everyone, but it should be much better than when we opened up in the temp spot.
Most of the ceiling work is finished, with just a few open areas left. Casework continues to be installed, and everything is looking very nice. After 17 months in a holding pattern, we are all very anxious to move back home. Our patrons are anxious as well, not a day goes by that someone doesn't ask us how soon before we can leave this building. Not soon enough is our reply!
However, before we leave, we will be starting the Summer Reading Program. June 1 is the start date, and check at the children's desk for information about the sign-up rallies. We also have a great teen program, and a new adult reading program for this year. All questions can be answered at the Reference & Children's information desks -- don't be afraid to ask them anything!
Have a great week, and enjoy the beautiful weather!