If you have driven past the site lately, you might have noticed that some of the precast panels have been put in place. Work is also continuing on the roof, more framing of the interior, and all sorts of other things that can't be seen by just driving by, but rest assured, our crew is working really hard to
finish up. Some of you are getting a bit antsy, and wondering why things are taking so long. Let me tell you, this crew is actually getting things done in record time. Since we are doing both a remodel and an expansion, the process is actually longer than if we had started completely from scratch on a new site. But our crew is determined to
finish this thing on time and on budget, and we thank them greatly for their efforts!
September marks the ninth month that we have been in our temporary location, and the staff of the Richland Public Library would like to extend a huge thank you to all of our customers who have put up with plumbing problems, Internet hiccups, and assorted cranky behaviors from the staff. Take comfort in knowing that this time next year we will (hopefully) be back home in a great new space. Personally, I can't wait to spend my lunch hour curled up in the browsing area by the fire, sipping on that triple skinny hot latte, reading the latest Stabenow or Reichs novel. and watching the leaves turn gold and red from my perch up high in the tree tops.
Keep thinking good thoughts, and stop by and see us in our temporary
location (1270 Lee Blvd) THERESA